Reading List

Here is a list of books we recommend for landscape painters. All of these books are available on Amazon except where indicated.

Landscape Painting

Carlson’s Guide to Landscape Painting -John Carlson
Composition of Outdoor Painting – Edgar Payne

Painting the Woods–Nature, Memory and Metaphor – Deborah Paris
The Elements of Drawing -John Ruskin
The Practice and Science of Drawing – Harold Speed
Oil Painting Techniques and Materials – Harold Speed
The Artistic Anatomy of Trees – Rex Vicat Cole
Letters on Landscape – Asher B Durand
Landscape Painting – Birge Harrison
Light and Water – Sir Montagu-Pollack (available on
On Drawing Trees and Nature – J.D. Harding
Pictorial Composition – Henry Rankin Poore
Creative Illustration – Andrew Loomis
Perspective Made Easy – Ernest R. Norling (Dover)

Art History

American Sublime – Andrew Wilton
The Painted Sketch – American Impressions from Nature 1830-1880 – Eleanor Jones Harvey
William Trost Richards – True to Nature – Carol M. Osborne
Thomas Moran, The Field Sketches 1856-1923 – Anne Morand
Sanford Gifford – Hudson River School Visions
Nature and Culture: American Landscape and Painting 1825-2875 – Barbara Novak

Books about Tonalism or Tonalist Artists

A History of American Tonalism – David Cleveland
Like Breath on Glass
The Poetic Vision-American Tonalism (Spanierman Galleries)
George Inness- A Catalogue Raisonne – Michael Quick
The Life and Letters of George Inness – George Inness Jr.
Charles Warren Eaton (monograph) – David Cleveland
George Inness and The Visionary Landscape – Adrienne Bell
George Inness and the Science of Landscape – Rachel Delue