Frequently Asked Questions

What is your refund policy? What if program doesn,t work fine for me?

Our refund policy is a Money Back Guarantee which is a no-questions-asked refund to a customer within 30 days of your purchase .
If you are not satisfied with our product, you can simply send us an email and we will refund your purchase .
We believe in creating a happy and thriving community, and if you are not thrilled with the product or are not enjoying the experience, then we have no interest in forcing you to stay an unhappy member . Please contact support@ if you have a problem or want a refund.

I'm not very good at art. Which course would you advise me to take first?

If you’re a beginner artist, I recommend starting with the Drawing Basics Course.
This course covers a lot of important concepts that apply to drawing anything.
If you’re not ready to get the bundle course, you can find a list of free lessons to start with in the Library.

What makes the bundle courses so unique?

My bundle courses are designed to give artists a comprehensive understanding of a specific subject.
They include additional features that are not available in my free YouTube videos.
These features include step-by-step instructions, in-depth explanations, and personalized feedback to help you improve your skills.
It’s all additional content that is designed to improve your drawing and paintng skills! Each courses offers slightly different features.
check out the details of each course for more info.

If I join up for Bundle, will I receive all of the videos?

Yes, you will have access to every video included in the course that you paid for.

Which payment methods do you accept?

We take Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and other credit and debit cards.
Additionally, we take digital wallets like Google Pay, Apple Pay, and Stripe/Paypal.

What sets you apart from the other online painting classes?

Unlike other online art programmes, we include community engagement directly into our learning platform.
Our goal is to develop a learning environment that may either support or replace traditional art schooling.
Everyone in the globe with a device and an internet connection should be able to access inexpensive art instruction, according to our mission.

Please keep me informed on any updates. Have you got a newsletter?

Yes! You can sign up to receive updates on new tutorials, special events, and giveaways! Please visit our website to sign up for our newsletter.

How much time does it take to become proficient in this style of drawing?

The time it takes to get good at drawing in this style is very individual and varies from person to person.
Some people are naturally more adept at picking up visual skills than others, just as some people are better at math, English, or languages.
However, with constant critiques and tutelage, I believe that anyone can learn to draw very well.
In my experience with students who have completed our courses , it has taken about 1 to 2 years of steady work to get a comprehensive understanding of the visual language of drawing.

I've been told that there is a common drawing style at the Atelier. Will this harm my unique creative style?

A: At Ashish Atelier, we strive to get our students to first learn to see and understand certain basic artistic concepts.
We have learned from past Masters that emulation of other great artists that have come before us is an efficient approach to training one’s eye to see correctly.
Only after much hard work of disciplining can a student then move towards creatively expressing their internal vision.
If your goal is to be an abstract artist or conceptual fine artist, then these classes may also be appropriate for your needs.

How can I be sure that if I enrol at the Atelier, I will improve enough to get a job?

A: No school, accredited or not, can guarantee that you will graduate from it competent enough to find employment.
However, we have a programme to assist with commission work, and should your skills meet our standards, we will consider you for hire in our organisations as an artist.
In my opinion, any institution of learning should be designed to spark and nurture the creative flame within a student.
By teaching the student through example, there is hope that at some undetermined day, they will be equipped to go forth and take upon themselves the creative regeneration of the world.
Not everyone will realize this. It is our hope at Ashish Atelier that in the process of developing your creative self, you enjoy yourself no matter what level you ultimately obtain.

What distinguishes your atelier courses from the ones I can take for free?

Free resources are great; however, when you get stuck, there is rarely anyone who can help you get past the challenges you are facing.
Free content also lacks structure, and there is no way to know if the method you are following is appropriate for your skill level.

Our program was designed from the ground up and has a proven track record of taking students with little or no experience and seeing their education through to creating professional-level work.

How do I sign up?

To join Ashish Atelier, please go to our website's Student Login page.

Is it actually possible to develop into an artist by taking an online course?

Yes, it is possible to grow and become an artist through online courses.
However, it is important to choose a course that offers a true ‘ground floor’ entry point to begin the training, coupled with consistent support and guidance while students progress.

How is the feedback provided by the Atelier?

Ashish Atelier offers several forms of feedback to its students so you never feel like you are going it alone.
Written feedback is given multiple times, 365 days a year, on each assignment you submit.
1-on-1 video feedback is offered by scheduling a video call with an instructor during ‘office hours’,
and group instruction and feedback are provided weekly via video conference. We are more than just an education—It’s a community, and you will find your peers will be helpful as well.

Are all devices supported by your courses?

You will need a phone or digital camera for taking homework photos, a computer or tablet to view the course videos, and high-speed internet access to view videos, turn in assignments, and get feedback on your work.

Does your programme require any prior art experience for me to succeed?

Our programme has been created with novices in mind.
Because of this, no prior experience is required to achieve the amazing improvements in artistic abilities that you have witnessed on our website.
Many of the students who have completed our programme did not have any formal training when they first enrolled.

Will your Atelier assist me in developing my artistic confidence?

Of course! It is the ability to control the information and resources required to continuously produce high-quality outcomes that leads to confidence.
We will provide you the tools to consistently execute on your ideas by giving you a dependable process to approach anything you wish to create.

How long it takes to have access on purchasing the coures?

You will get instant access on purchasing the course.

How does your program compared with college educations?

Our program is significantly more affordable than most serious Art Universities such as Pratt, Rhode Island School of Design, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and San Francisco Art Institute.
These universities have an average four-year tuition of $200,000 USD.
In contrast, our modules deliver every skill necessary to produce professional-level work while easily outpacing and out delivering these schools on every front.
Should you choose to pursue a college education after training, merit-based scholarship opportunities will offer a sizable return on your investment.

How can we plan the pace of the course learning?

 You can join and watch the lessons at any time. This course was designed to be self-paced, so you can take as much time as you need to complete it.

If you submit your work for the latest projects, you could be included in the critique videos. That’s a great opportunity to get feedback on your work and learn from others. Good luck with the course!

How frequently do you introduce new courses?

This course will continue to add content for some time, with at least one new video added each week.

Can I download the videos?

Each video is available for download as a 1080p mp4 file. Please do not distribute the videos. Each purchase contributes to the creation of future videos like these.

Do I get access to any future videos that you make?

No, just the lessons that are being purchased are being sold.

Are there any prerequisites for beginning course learning?

Nope! This is the course that covers everything from beginner to advanced. This lesson requires only a piece of paper and a pencil.

What materials will I require to plan this course?

All you need is a pencil and paper! But I'll go over the specifics of pencils, sketchbooks, erasers, pens, and markers so you know what's available and how to go beyond a simple pencil to better fit your needs.

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